List of Famous people with last name Ueshiba

Morihei Ueshiba

First Name Morihei
Born on December 14, 1883
Died on April 26, 1969 (aged 85)
Height 156 cm | 5'1

Morihei Ueshiba was a Japanese martial artist and founder of the martial art of aikido. He is often referred to as "the founder" Kaiso (開祖) or Ōsensei (大先生/翁先生), "Great Teacher".

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Moriteru Ueshiba

First Name Moriteru
Born in Japan, Tokyo

Moriteru Ueshiba is a Japanese master of aikido. He is a grandson of Morihei Ueshiba, founder of aikido, and son of Kisshomaru Ueshiba. Ueshiba is the third and current Doshu of the Aikikai.

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Kisshomaru Ueshiba

First Name Kisshomaru
Born on June 27, 1921
Died on January 4, 1999 (aged 77)

Kisshomaru Ueshiba was a prominent Japanese master of aikido. He was the son of Morihei Ueshiba, founder of aikido, and became the international leader of aikido after his father's death.

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Mitsuteru Ueshiba

First Name Mitsuteru
Born on June 27, 1981 (age 43)
Born in Japan

Mitsuteru Ueshiba is the son of the current Aikido Dōshu, Moriteru Ueshiba. In keeping with the iemoto system, he is expected to succeed his father as Dōshu. He is the great-grandson of Morihei Ueshiba, the Aikido founder.

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