List of Famous people with last name Trudeau

Justin Trudeau

Justin Pierre James Trudeau
First Name Justin
Last Name Trudeau
Born in Canada, Ontario
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Justin Pierre James Trudeau is a Canadian politician who has served as the 23rd prime minister of Canada since 2015 and has been the leader of the Liberal Party since 2013. Trudeau is the second-youngest prime minister in Canadian history; he is also the first to be the child or other relative of a previous holder of the post, as the eldest son of Pierre Trudeau.

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Margaret Trudeau

Margaret Joan Sinclair
First Name Margaret
Last Name Trudeau
Born on September 10, 1948 (age 76)

Margaret Joan Trudeau is a Canadian author, actress, photographer, former television talk show hostess, and social advocate for people with bipolar disorder, with which she is diagnosed. She is the former wife of Pierre Trudeau, 15th Prime Minister of Canada; they divorced in 1984, during his final months in office. She is the mother of Justin Trudeau, the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada; the journalist and author Alexandre "Sacha" Trudeau; and the deceased Michel Trudeau. She is the first woman in Canadian history to have been both the wife and the mother of prime ministers.

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Alexandre Trudeau

First Name Alexandre
Last Name Trudeau
Born on December 25, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Canada, Ontario

Alexandre Emmanuel "Sacha" Trudeau is a Canadian filmmaker, journalist and author of Barbarian Lost. He is the second son of Canada's former prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, and Margaret Trudeau, and the younger brother of Canada's current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

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Garry Trudeau

First Name Garry
Last Name Trudeau
Born on July 21, 1948 (age 76)

Garretson Beekman Trudeau is a Pulitzer Prize winning American cartoonist, best known for creating the Doonesbury comic strip. Trudeau is also the creator and executive producer of the Amazon Studios political comedy series Alpha House.

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Catherine Trudeau

First Name Catherine
Last Name Trudeau
Born on May 4, 1975 (age 49)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Catherine Trudeau is a Canadian actress. She was born in L'Assomption, Quebec, Canada.

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