List of Famous people with last name Tillion

Germaine Tillion

First Name Germaine
Last Name Tillion
Born on May 30, 1907
Died on April 19, 2008 (aged 100)

Germaine Tillion was a French ethnologist, best known for her work in Algeria in the 1950s on behalf of the French government. A member of the French resistance, she spent time in the Ravensbrück concentration camp.

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Émilie Tillion

Émilie Cussac
First Name Émilie
Born on February 20, 1876
Died on March 2, 1945 (aged 69)

Émilie Tillion was a French writer and art critic. Tillion is known for her work on the popular "Les Guides Bleus" and as a member of French Resistance during the Second World War.

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