List of Famous people with last name Temer

Michel Temer

Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia
First Name Michel
Last Name Temer
Born on September 23, 1940 (age 83)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia is a Brazilian politician, lawyer and writer who served as the 37th president of Brazil from 31 August 2016 to 31 December 2018. He took office after the impeachment and removal from office of his predecessor Dilma Rousseff. He had been vice president since 2011 and Acting President since 12 May 2016, when Rousseff was suspended pending an impeachment trial. At the age of 75, he is the oldest person to have taken the office.

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Marcela Temer

Marcela Tedeschi Araújo
First Name Marcela
Last Name Temer
Born on May 16, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Marcela Tedeschi Araújo Temer is the wife of the 37th President of Brazil, Michel Temer, having served as the 36th First Lady of Brazil, from 31 August 2016 until 1 January from 2019. She also served as the Second Lady of Brazil from 2011 to 2016. As first lady, she worked on social policies for children, having been an Ambassador for the Happy Child Program.

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