List of Famous people with last name Tassin

Eloi Tassin

Éloi Roger Marie Joseph Tassin
First Name Eloi
Last Name Tassin
Born on June 6, 1912
Died on August 17, 1977 (aged 65)

Éloi Tassin was a French professional road bicycle racer. Tassin won a stage in the 1939 Tour de France, and another stage in the 1947 Tour de France.

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Étienne Tassin

Étienne Jean Simon Tassin
First Name Étienne
Last Name Tassin
Born on April 4, 1955
Died on January 7, 2018 (aged 62)
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Don't know him/her

Shima Tassin

First Name Shima
Last Name Tassin
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her
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