List of Famous people with last name Tarzi

Soraya Tarzi

First Name Soraya
Last Name Tarzi
Born on November 24, 1899
Died on April 20, 1968 (aged 68)

Soraya Tarzi, also known as Suraiya Shahzada Khanum, was the first Queen consort of Afghanistan in the early 20th century and the wife of King Amanullah Khan. Born in Syria, she was educated by her father, who was the Afghan leader and intellectual Sardar Mahmud Beg Tarzi. She belonged to the Mohammadzai Pashtun tribe, a sub-tribe of the Barakzai dynasty.

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Mahmud Tarzi

First Name Mahmud
Last Name Tarzi
Born on August 23, 1865
Died on November 22, 1933 (aged 68)
Born in Afghanistan, Ghazni

Mahmud Tarzi was an Afghan politician and intellectual. He is known as the father of Afghan journalism. He became a key figure in the history of Afghanistan, following the lead of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Turkey by working for modernization and secularization, and strongly opposing religious extremism and obscurantism. Tarzi emulated the Young Turks coalition.

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Ghulam Muhammad Tarzi

First Name Ghulam
Last Name Tarzi
Born on April 30, 1830
Died on December 8, 1900 (aged 70)

Sardar Ghulam Muhammad Khan Tarzi son of Sardar Rahim Dil Khan was a ruler of Kandahar and Baluchistan. He was a Pashtun soldier, poet, and military leader in Afghanistan. He is often credited with developing the traditional family name 'Tarzi,' which played a critical role in the history of Afghanistan.

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Pakize Tarzi

Pakize İzzet
First Name Pakize
Born on November 30, 1909
Died on November 30, 2003 (aged 94)

Pakize İzzet Tarzi (1910–2004) was a Syrian-Turkish physician. She is renowned for being the first female gynecologist in the Republic of Turkey.

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