List of Famous people with last name Strobel

Sebastian Ströbel

First Name Sebastian
Last Name Ströbel
Born on February 2, 1977 (age 47)

Sebastian Ströbel is a German film and TV actor. He is best known for his performance as Jan Brenner in the TV Series Countdown – Die Jagd beginnt .

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Aron Strobel

First Name Aron
Last Name Strobel
Born on January 26, 1958 (age 66)

Aron Strobel is best known as the lead guitarist for Münchener Freiheit, who had several big hits throughout Europe.

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Martin Strobel

First Name Martin
Last Name Strobel
Born on June 5, 1986 (age 38)

Martin Strobel is a German handball player for HBW Balingen-Weilstetten and the German national team.

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Al Strobel

Albert Michael Strobel
First Name Al
Last Name Strobel
Born on November 30, 1938 (age 85)

Albert Michael Strobel is an American actor best known for his recurring role on David Lynch and Mark Frost's Twin Peaks as Philip Gerard.

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Karl Strobel

First Name Karl
Last Name Strobel
Born on December 21, 1954 (age 69)
Born in Germany, Bavaria
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Hans Strobel

First Name Hans
Last Name Strobel
Born on February 26, 1881
Died on February 6, 1953 (aged 71)
Born in Germany, Bavaria
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