List of Famous people with last name Stirum

Anna Frederika Gravin van Limburg Stirum

First Name Anna
Last Name Stirum
Born on October 9, 1809
Died on November 25, 1893 (aged 84)
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Adolf Ernst of Limburg Stirum

First Name Adolf
Last Name Stirum
Born on January 1, 1622
Died on October 3, 1657 (aged 35)

Adolf Ernst of Limburg Stirum, count of Limburg Stirum, sovereign lord zu Gemen, son of Hermann Otto I of Limburg-Styrum.

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Maximilian Wilhelm of Limburg Stirum

First Name Maximilian
Last Name Stirum
Born on November 30, 1652
Died on November 30, 1727 (aged 75)

Maximilian Wilhelm of Limburg Stirum (1653–1728), count of Limburg Styrum, sovereign lord of Illereichen and Simontornya. He was the third son of Adolf Ernst of Limburg Stirum, sovereign lord zu Gemen.

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August Philip of Limburg Stirum

First Name August
Last Name Stirum
Born on March 16, 1721
Died on February 26, 1797 (aged 75)

August Philipp Karl of Limburg Stirum (1721–1797), count of Limburg Stirum and Bronckhorst, was the son of Otto Leopold Count von Limburg Styrum und Bronckhorst, Lord of Gemen and Raesfeld (1688–1754) and Anna Elisabeth countess of Schönborn (1686–1757).

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George Ernest of Limburg-Stirum

First Name George
Last Name Limburg-Stirum
Born on August 29, 1593
Died on August 31, 1661 (aged 68)

Georg Ernst of Limburg Stirum, count of Limburg Stirum, count of Bronckhorst, Lord of Wisch, Lichtenvoorde and Wildenborch, son of Jobst of Limburg.

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Mathilde van Limburg Stirum

First Name Mathilde
Born on July 24, 1854
Died on May 14, 1932 (aged 77)
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Hermann Otto II of Limburg Stirum

First Name Hermann
Last Name Stirum
Born on April 1, 1646
Died on July 8, 1704 (aged 58)

Field Marshal Hermann Otto II of Limburg Stirum, count of Limburg Stirum and Bronckhorst, sovereign lord zu Gemen, was the son of Adolf Ernst of Limburg Stirum and an imperial Field Marshal.

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Aurelia Carolina Gravin van Limburg Stirum

First Name Aurelia
Last Name Stirum
Born on May 6, 1853
Died on February 8, 1906 (aged 52)
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Julius Bernhard Graaf van Limburg Stirum

First Name Julius
Last Name Stirum
Born on January 1, 1815
Died on January 1, 1893 (aged 78)
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Johanna Sara Gravin van Limburg Stirum

First Name Johanna
Born on February 24, 1844
Died on September 27, 1911 (aged 67)
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