List of Famous people with last name Steinfeld

Hailee Steinfeld

Hailee Steinfeld is an American actress, singer and model. She earned many accolades for her breakthrough role as Mattie Ross in the drama western film True Grit (2010), for which she was nominated for BAFTA Award for Best Actress as well as Screen Actors Guild Award and Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, making her the ninth youngest nominee in category.

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Jake Steinfeld

Jake Steinfeld is an American actor, fitness icon, entrepreneur and producer. He develops businesses through the "Body by Jake" brand.

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Peter Steinfeld

First Name Peter
Last Name Steinfeld

Peter L. Steinfeld is an American screenwriter and television producer. He is best known for writing mystery film Drowning Mona, comedy film Be Cool (2005) and drama film 21 (2008).

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