List of Famous people with last name Spanic

Gabriela Spanic

First Name Gabriela
Last Name Spanic
Born on December 10, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Venezuela, Guárico

Gabriela Helena Španić Utrera, known simply as Gabriela Spanic, is a Venezuelan actress and singer. She's known for her roles in several Latin telenovelas, most notably her portrayal of twins in La usurpadora (1998), one of the most popular telenovelas in the Spanish-speaking world.

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Daniela Spanic

First Name Daniela
Born on December 10, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Venezuela, Guárico

Dani Spanic Is a Venezuelan Model, Actress and TV Host. She is twin sister of actress Gabriela Spanic.

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