List of Famous people with last name Sligo

Henry Browne, 5th Marquess of Sligo

First Name Henry
Last Name Sligo
Born on March 14, 1831
Died on February 24, 1913 (aged 81)

Henry Ulick Browne, 5th Marquess of Sligo, styled Lord Henry Browne until 1903, was an Irish peer.

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George Browne, 3rd Marquess of Sligo

First Name George
Last Name Sligo
Born on January 31, 1820
Died on August 30, 1896 (aged 76)

George John Browne, 3rd Marquess of Sligo was an Irish peer.

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John Browne, 1st Marquess of Sligo

First Name John
Last Name Sligo
Born on June 11, 1756
Died on January 2, 1809 (aged 52)

Sir John Denis Browne, 1st Marquess of Sligo, KP, PC (Ire) was an Irish peer and politician, and was the son of Peter Browne, 2nd Earl of Altamont, and his wife Elizabeth, née Kelly, daughter of Denis Kelly, Chief Justice of Jamaica.

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John Browne, 4th Marquess of Sligo

First Name John
Last Name Sligo
Born on September 10, 1824
Died on December 30, 1903 (aged 79)

John Thomas Browne, 4th Marquess of Sligo, styled Lord John Browne until 1868, was an Irish politician and naval commander.

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Maud Sligo

First Name Maud
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Don't know him/her

Charles O'Connor Sligo

First Name Charles
Last Name Sligo
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Don't know him/her
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