List of Famous people with last name Sillery

Pierre Brûlart, marquis de Sillery

First Name Pierre
Last Name Sillery
Born on January 1, 1583
Died on April 22, 1640 (aged 57)

Pierre Brûlart, Marquis de Sillery, Viscount Puisieux, Baron Grand Pressigny served Louis XIII as joint Minister of Foreign Affairs and War from 1617 to 1626.

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Fabio Brulart de Sillery

First Name Fabio
Last Name Sillery
Born on October 25, 1655
Died on November 20, 1714 (aged 59)

Fabio Brulart de Sillery was a French churchman, bishop of Avranches and bishop of Soissons.

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Noël Brûlart de Sillery

First Name Noël
Last Name Sillery
Born on December 25, 1577
Died on September 26, 1640 (aged 62)

Noël Brûlart de Sillery (1577–1640) was a French diplomat who, upon renouncing the world and taking holy orders, provided from his fortune for the establishment of a mission in New France.

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Louis-Roger Brûlart, marquis de Sillery

First Name Louis-Roger
Born on November 30, 1618
Died on November 30, 1690 (aged 72)
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