List of Famous people with last name Shum

Harry Shum

First Name Harry
Last Name Shum
Born on April 28, 1982 (age 42)

Harry Shum Jr. is a Costa Rican-born American actor, singer, dancer, and choreographer. He is best known for his roles as Mike Chang on the Fox television series Glee (2009–2015) and as Magnus Bane on the Freeform television series Shadowhunters (2016–2019). He was nominated for four Screen Actors Guild Awards for his performance in Glee, winning once. He won the award for The Male TV Star of 2018 in the E! People's Choice Awards for Shadowhunters.

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John Shum

First Name John
Last Name Shum
Born on January 1, 1952 (age 72)

John Sham Kin-Fun is a Hong Kong actor and film producer. His English name is sometimes written as John Shum. Whilst known primarily for his comedic acting roles in Hong Kong cinema, he also spent time as a political activist.

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Lester Shum

First Name Lester
Last Name Shum
Born on June 11, 1993 (age 31)

Lester Shum is a Hong Kong social activist and politician. He was a leader of the 2014 pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong and served as deputy secretary-general of the Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) from April 2014 to March 2015. He is a member of the Tsuen Wan District Council for Hoi Bun since 2019.

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Harry Shum

First Name Harry
Last Name Shum
Born on September 30, 1966 (age 57)

Heung-Yeung "Harry" Shum is a Chinese computer scientist. He was a doctoral student of Raj Reddy. He was the Executive Vice President of Artificial Intelligence & Research at Microsoft. He is known for his research on computer vision and computer graphics, and for the development of the search engine Bing.

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Itzhak Shum

Itzhak Shum is a retired Israeli football player and manager, and currently the owner of Hapoel Kfar Saba.

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Gao Shum

First Name Gao
Last Name Shum
Born on January 7, 1993 (age 31)
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Janice Shum

First Name Janice
Born on March 12, 1975 (age 49)
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Angie Shum

First Name Angie
Last Name Shum
Born on February 24, 1994 (age 30)
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Jennifer Shum

First Name Jennifer
Born on October 9, 1988 (age 35)
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