List of Famous people with last name Sheppard

Sam Sheppard

First Name Sam
Last Name Sheppard
Born on December 29, 1923
Died on April 6, 1970 (aged 46)

Samuel Holmes Sheppard was an American neurosurgeon. He was exonerated in 1966, having been convicted of the 1954 murder of his wife, Marilyn Reese Sheppard. The case was controversial from the beginning, with extensive and prolonged nationwide media coverage.

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W. Morgan Sheppard

First Name W.
Last Name Sheppard
Born on August 24, 1932
Died on January 6, 2019 (aged 86)

William Morgan Sheppard was an English actor and voice actor who appeared in over 100 films and television programmes, in a career that spanned over 50 years.

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Kate Sheppard

Catherine Wilson Sheppard
First Name Kate
Last Name Sheppard
Born on March 10, 1847
Died on July 13, 1934 (aged 87)

Katherine Wilson Sheppard was the most prominent member of the women's suffrage movement in New Zealand and the country's most famous suffragist. Born in Liverpool, England, she emigrated to New Zealand with her family in 1868. There she became an active member of various religious and social organisations, including the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). In 1887 she was appointed the WCTU's National Superintendent for Franchise and Legislation, a position she used to advance the cause of women's suffrage in New Zealand.

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Mark Sheppard

First Name Mark
Last Name Sheppard
Born on May 30, 1964 (age 60)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Mark Andreas Sheppard is a British-American actor and musician. He is often credited as Mark A. Sheppard. Sheppard is known for playing the demon/King of Hell Crowley on Supernatural and for his recurring roles as lawyer Romo Lampkin on the Battlestar Galactica reboot, Interpol investigator James Sterling on Leverage, and small-time crime lord Badger on Joss Whedon's Firefly.

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Mary Sheppard

First Name Mary
Last Name Sheppard
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Kevin Sheppard

Kevin Sheppard is a United States Virgin Islands basketball player and former football striker. He became the subject of the documentary The Iran Job which covers his 2008-2009 season with the A.S. Shiraz team in Iran. He is the joint top scorer for his footballing national team

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Caroline Sheppard

First Name Caroline
Last Name Sheppard
Died on December 12, 1866
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Frances Sheppard

First Name Frances
Last Name Sheppard
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Eliza Sheppard

First Name Eliza
Last Name Sheppard
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David Sheppard

First Name David
Last Name Sheppard
Born on March 6, 1929
Died on March 5, 2005 (aged 75)

David Stuart Sheppard, Baron Sheppard of Liverpool was a Church of England Bishop of Liverpool who played cricket for Sussex and England in his youth. Sheppard remains the only ordained minister to have played Test cricket, though others such as Tom Killick were ordained after playing Tests.

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