List of Famous people with last name Septimania

Bernard of Septimania

First Name Bernard
Last Name Septimania
Born on January 1, 0795
Died on January 1, 0844 (aged 49)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Bernard of Septimania (795–844), son of William of Gellone, was the Frankish Duke of Septimania and Count of Barcelona from 826 to 832 and again from 835 to his execution. He was also count of Carcassonne from 837. He was appointed to succeed his fellow Frank Rampon. During his career, he was one of the closest counsellors of the Emperor Louis the Pious, a leading proponent of the war against the Moors, and opponent of the interests of the local Visigothic nobility.

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William of Septimania

First Name William
Last Name Septimania
Born on November 29, 0826
Died on January 1, 0850 (aged 23)
Born in France, Occitania

William of Septimania was the son of Bernard and Dhuoda. He was the count of Toulouse from 844 and count of Barcelona from 848.

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