List of Famous people with last name Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfeld

Jerome Allen Seinfeld
First Name Jerry
Born on April 29, 1954 (age 70)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Jerome Allen Seinfeld is an American comedian, actor, writer and producer. He is best known for playing a semi-fictionalized version of himself in the sitcom Seinfeld, which he created and wrote with Larry David. The show aired on NBC from 1989 until 1998, becoming one of the most acclaimed and popular American sitcoms of all time. As a stand-up comedian, Seinfeld specializes in observational comedy. In 2004, Comedy Central named him the 12th-greatest stand-up comedian of all time.

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Jessica Seinfeld

Nina Danielle Sklar
First Name Jessica
Last Name Seinfeld
Born on September 12, 1971 (age 53)

Jessica Seinfeld is an American author and philanthropist. She has released four cookbooks about preparing food for families, and is the founder of the GOOD+ Foundation, a New York City-based charitable organization that provides essential items for families in need throughout New York City. She is married to comedian Jerry Seinfeld.

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Evan Seinfeld

First Name Evan
Last Name Seinfeld
Born on December 29, 1967 (age 56)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Evan Seinfeld is an American musician and actor, as well as a director, photographer, and writer. He is best known as the former lead vocalist, bassist, and founding member of Biohazard. Since leaving the band in May 2011 for personal reasons, he has joined the band Attika7 as a vocalist. He is currently married to DJ, producer, and former pornographic actress Lupe Fuentes. He is the founder and CEO of subscription service IsMyGirl.

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