List of Famous people with last name Sebastiani

Jean-André-Tiburce Sébastiani

First Name Jean-André-Tiburce
Born on March 21, 1786
Died on September 16, 1871 (aged 85)
Born in France, Corsica

Jean André Tiburce, viscount Sébastiani de La Porta, was a French general and politician. He was born on 21 March 1786 in La Porta (Haute-Corse) and died on 16 September 1871 in Bastia (Haute-Corse). Deputy of Corsica from 1828 to 1837, and Peer of France, he was the brother of the Marshal of France and politician Horace Sébastiani.

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Sergio Sebastiani

First Name Sergio
Last Name Sebastiani
Born on April 11, 1931 (age 93)
Born in Italy, Marche

Sergio Sebastiani is an Italian prelate of the Catholic Church who was head of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See from 1997 to 2008. He was made a cardinal in 2001. From 1960 to 1994 he worked in the diplomatic service of the Holy See, becoming an archbishop and apostolic nuncio in 1976 and leading the offices representing the Vatican in Madagascar, Mauritius, and Turkey.

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