List of Famous people with last name Reuther

Walter Reuther

First Name Walter
Last Name Reuther
Born on September 1, 1907
Died on May 9, 1970 (aged 62)

Walter Philip Reuther was an American leader of organized labor and civil rights activist who built the United Automobile Workers (UAW) into one of the most progressive labor unions in American history. He saw labor movements not as narrow special interest groups but as instruments to advance social justice and human rights in democratic societies. He leveraged the UAW's resources and influence to advocate for workers' rights, civil rights, women's rights, universal health care, public education, affordable housing, environmental stewardship and nuclear nonproliferation around the world. He believed in Swedish-style social democracy and societal change through nonviolent civil disobedience. He survived two attempted assassinations, including one at home where he was struck by a 12-gauge shotgun blast fired through his kitchen window. He was the fourth and longest serving president of the UAW, serving from 1946 until his untimely death in 1970.

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Steven Reuther

First Name Steven
Last Name Reuther
Born on November 2, 1951
Died on June 5, 2010 (aged 58)

Steven Daniel Reuther was an American producer and executive producer.

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Julian Reuther

First Name Julian
Last Name Reuther
Born on November 30, 1992 (age 31)
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Konrad Reuther

First Name Konrad
Last Name Reuther
Born on November 30, 1958 (age 65)
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