List of Famous people with last name Quaid

Dennis Quaid

First Name Dennis
Last Name Quaid
Born on April 9, 1954 (age 70)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Dennis William Quaid is an American actor known for a wide variety of dramatic and comedic roles. First gaining widespread attention in the 1980s, some of his notable credits include Breaking Away (1979), The Right Stuff (1983), The Big Easy (1986), Innerspace (1987), Great Balls of Fire! (1989), Dragonheart (1996), The Parent Trap (1998), Frequency (2000), Traffic (2000), The Rookie (2002), The Day After Tomorrow (2004), Vantage Point (2008), Footloose (2011), Soul Surfer (2011), and The Intruder (2019). For his role in Far from Heaven (2002), he won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actor among other accolades. The Guardian named him one of the best actors never to have received an Academy Award nomination.

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Randy Quaid

Randy Randall Rudy Quaid
First Name Randy
Last Name Quaid
Born on October 1, 1950 (age 73)
Height 196 cm | 6'5

Randy Randall Rudy Quaid is an American actor known for his roles in both serious drama and light comedy.

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Jack Quaid

Jack Henry Quaid
First Name Jack
Last Name Quaid
Born on April 24, 1992 (age 32)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Jack Henry Quaid is an American actor. The son of actors Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan, he made his acting debut with a minor role in the dystopian film The Hunger Games (2012). Quaid went on to play the leading role of vigilante Hughie Campbell in the Prime Video superhero series The Boys (2019–present). He is set to star in the upcoming fifth installment of the Scream franchise scheduled for release in 2022.

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Evi Quaid

First Name Evi
Born on August 2, 1963 (age 60)

Randy Randall Rudy Quaid is an American actor known for his roles in both serious drama and light comedy.

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