List of Famous people with last name Plunket

John Plunket, 3rd Baron Plunket

First Name John
Last Name Plunket
Born on July 10, 1793
Died on April 16, 1871 (aged 77)

John Span Plunket, 3rd Baron Plunket of Newtown, County Cork was an Irish peer and Queen's Counsel. He was the second son of William Plunket, 1st Baron Plunket, and Catherine MacAusland. He succeeded his brother Thomas Plunket, 2nd Baron Plunket in 1866. He married Charlotte, daughter of the eminent judge Charles Kendal Bushe and his wife Anne (Nancy) Crampton.

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William Plunket, 1st Baron Plunket

First Name William
Last Name Plunket
Born on July 1, 1764
Died on January 5, 1854 (aged 89)

William Conyngham Plunket, 1st Baron Plunket, PC (Ire), QC was an Irish politician and lawyer. He served as Lord Chancellor of Ireland between 1830 and 1834 and again between 1835 and 1841.

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Sir Christopher Plunket

First Name Sir
Died on November 30, 1444
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Arthur Cecil Crampton Plunket

First Name Arthur
Last Name Plunket
Born on May 11, 1845
Died on October 21, 1884 (aged 39)
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William Plunket, 4th Baron Plunket

First Name William
Last Name Plunket
Born on August 26, 1828
Died on April 1, 1897 (aged 68)
Born in Ireland

William Conyngham Plunket, 4th Baron Plunket was Dean of Christ Church Cathedral and Archbishop of Dublin in the Church of Ireland.

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Sir John Plunket

First Name Sir
Died on November 30, 1559
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Charlotte Plunket

First Name Charlotte
Last Name Plunket
Died on May 30, 1918
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Thomas Plunket, 2nd Baron Plunket

First Name Thomas
Last Name Plunket
Born on November 30, 1791
Died on November 30, 1865 (aged 74)

Thomas Span Plunket, 2nd Baron Plunket (1792–1866), was Bishop of Tuam, Killaly and Achonry.

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Charles Bushe Plunket

First Name Charles
Last Name Plunket
Born on June 16, 1830
Died on December 21, 1880 (aged 50)
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Katherine Frances Plunket

First Name Katherine
Died on August 25, 1881
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Don't know him/her
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