List of Famous people with last name Pleasence

Donald Pleasence

Donald Henry Pleasence
First Name Donald
Last Name Pleasence
Born on October 5, 1919
Died on February 2, 1995 (aged 75)

Donald Henry Pleasence was an English actor. He began his career on stage in the West End before transitioning into a screen career, where he played numerous supporting and character roles including RAF Flight Lieutenant Colin Blythe in The Great Escape (1963), the villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld in the James Bond film You Only Live Twice (1967), SEN 5241 in THX 1138 (1971), and the deranged Clarence "Doc" Tydon in Wake in Fright (1971).

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Angela Pleasence

First Name Angela
Last Name Pleasence
Born on September 30, 1941 (age 83)

Daphne Anne Angela Pleasence, better known as Angela Pleasence, is an English actress. Trained in theatre, Pleasence's first major film role came in Hitler: The Last Ten Days (1973), followed by roles in horror films such as From Beyond the Grave and Symptoms (1974).

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