List of Famous people with last name Platen

Karl Platen

First Name Karl
Last Name Platen
Born on March 6, 1877
Died on July 4, 1952 (aged 75)

Karl Platen was a German actor.

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Baltzar von Platen

First Name Baltzar
Born on April 16, 1804
Died on March 20, 1875 (aged 70)

Baltzar von Platen (1804-1875) was a Swedish noble and naval officer. He was a retired navy admiral. He served as the foreign minister of the United Kingdoms for one year between 1871 and 1872. He was also the governor-general in Norway between 1827 and 1829. von Platen started and directed the project to built the Gotha Canal which was constructed in the period 1810–1832. During this period he was the director of the Trollhätte Canal Company. von Platen initiated the eastern section of the canal.

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Baltzar von Platen

First Name Baltzar
Born on May 29, 1766
Died on December 6, 1829 (aged 63)

Count Baltzar Bogislaus von Platen was a Swedish naval officer and statesman. He was born on the island of Rügen to Philip Julius Bernhard von Platen, Field Marshal and the Swedish Governor General of Pomerania, and Regina Juliana von Usedom.

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Philip von Platen

First Name Philip
Last Name Platen
Born on March 14, 1732
Died on April 23, 1805 (aged 73)

Philip Julius Bernhard von Platen was a Swedish politician and field marshal.

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Franz Ernst von Platen

First Name Franz
Last Name Platen
Born on January 1, 1631
Died on June 14, 1709 (aged 78)
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Clara Elisabeth von Platen

First Name Clara
Last Name Platen
Born on January 14, 1648
Died on January 30, 1700 (aged 52)

Clara Elisabeth, Countess von Platen - Hallermund was a German noblewoman, most notable as the mistress of Ernest Augustus and for her involvement in the Königsmarck Affair.

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Henrike von Platen

First Name Henrike
Born on January 16, 1971 (age 53)
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Anna Platen

First Name Anna
Last Name Platen
Born on April 15, 1995 (age 29)
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