List of Famous people with last name Paxson

John Paxson

John MacBeth Paxson
First Name John
Last Name Paxson
Born on September 29, 1960 (age 63)
Height 188 cm | 6'2

John MacBeth Paxson is an American basketball administrator and former player who was vice president of basketball operations for the Chicago Bulls of the National Basketball Association (NBA) from 2009 to 2020. He was their general manager from 2003 to 2009. Paxson played eleven NBA seasons for the San Antonio Spurs and Chicago Bulls, winning three championships as a member of the Bulls. He was an All-American college player at the University of Notre Dame.

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Melanie Paxson

First Name Melanie
Born on September 26, 1972 (age 51)
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Melanie Deanne Paxson is an American actress. She is known for her roles as Jaclyn in Cupid, Sara Brennan in Happy Family and as Julie in Notes from the Underbelly. Paxson also appeared in a number of Gladware television commercials in the early 2000s.

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Jim Paxson

First Name Jim
Last Name Paxson
Born on July 9, 1957 (age 66)
Height 198 cm | 6'6

James Joseph Paxson is an American former professional basketball player. A first round selection of the Portland Trail Blazers in the 1979 NBA draft, Paxson played for Portland and the Boston Celtics of the NBA from 1979–1990 and was twice an All-Star. Paxson served as general manager of the Cleveland Cavaliers for six years and now works as a consultant with the Chicago Bulls where his brother John Paxson is an executive.

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Diana L. Paxson

First Name Diana
Last Name Paxson
Born on February 20, 1943 (age 81)

Diana Lucile Paxson is an author, primarily in the fields of Paganism and Heathenism. Her published works include fantasy and historical fiction novels, as well as numerous short stories. More recently she has also published books about Pagan and Heathen religions and practices. She is a founder of the Society for Creative Anachronism, where she is known as Diana the Listmaker.

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