List of Famous people with last name Pallot

Bill GB Pallot

First Name Bill
Last Name Pallot
Born on February 17, 1964 (age 60)

Bill G.B. Pallot is an art historian, art expert, collector and lecturer at the Sorbonne University . He was honored with the French distinction of Ordre des Arts et des Lettres Chevalier (1997) and he is now Officier in the same distinction (2011). In 2016, he was indicted for making and selling false eighteenth century furniture, some of which were sold to the Palace of Versailles.

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Nerina Pallot

First Name Nerina
Born on April 26, 1975 (age 49)

Nerina Natasha Georgina Pallot is a British singer, songwriter and producer, who has released six albums and over a dozen EPs. She was nominated for British Female Solo Artist at the 2007 BRIT Awards and nominated for an Ivor Novello Award for "Sophia" in the category of 'Best Song ' in the same year. Besides her own material, Pallot has written songs for Kylie Minogue and Diana Vickers. She mostly tours around the UK and is married to record producer Andy Chatterley.

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