List of Famous people with last name Orrery

Roger Boyle, 1st Earl of Orrery

First Name Roger
Last Name Orrery
Born on April 25, 1621
Died on October 16, 1679 (aged 58)

Roger Boyle, 1st Earl of Orrery, styled Lord Broghill from 1628 to 1660, was an Anglo-Irish soldier and politician who sat in the House of Commons of England at various times between 1654 and 1679. Boyle fought in the Irish Confederate Wars and subsequently became known for his antagonism towards Irish Catholics and their political aspirations. He was also a noted playwright and writer on 17th century warfare.

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Roger Boyle, 2nd Earl of Orrery

First Name Roger
Last Name Orrery
Born on August 24, 1646
Died on March 29, 1682 (aged 35)
Born in Ireland

Roger Boyle, 2nd Earl of Orrery, styled Lord Broghill between 1660 and 1679, was an Irish peer and Member of Parliament.

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Charles Boyle, 4th Earl of Orrery

First Name Charles
Last Name Orrery
Born on July 28, 1674
Died on August 28, 1731 (aged 57)

Charles Boyle, 4th Earl of Orrery KT PC FRS was an English nobleman, statesman and patron of the sciences.

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William Boyle, 12th Earl of Cork and Orrery

First Name William
Last Name Orrery
Born on November 30, 1873
Died on April 19, 1967 (aged 93)

Admiral of the Fleet William Henry Dudley Boyle, 12th Earl of Cork, 12th Earl of Orrery, was a British Royal Navy officer and peer. He served as a junior officer on the China Station during the Boxer Rebellion and went on to serve in the First World War initially as a staff officer during the Dardanelles Campaign and as then commander of the Red Sea Patrol: in that capacity he led a six-day bombardment of the Turkish held port of Jeddah and worked closely with T. E. Lawrence in support of the Arab Revolt. In the inter-war years he was Commander-in-Chief, Reserve Fleet, President of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich and Commander-in-Chief of the Home Fleet. After succeeding a cousin and becoming Earl of Cork in 1934, he became Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth.

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