William Boyle, 12th Earl of Cork and Orrery

William Boyle, 12th Earl of Cork and Orrery
William Boyle, 12th Earl of Cork and Orrery

Admiral of the Fleet William Henry Dudley Boyle, 12th Earl of Cork, 12th Earl of Orrery, was a British Royal Navy officer and peer. He served as a junior officer on the China Station during the Boxer Rebellion and went on to serve in the First World War initially as a staff officer during the Dardanelles Campaign and as then commander of the Red Sea Patrol: in that capacity he led a six-day bombardment of the Turkish held port of Jeddah and worked closely with T. E. Lawrence in support of the Arab Revolt. In the inter-war years he was Commander-in-Chief, Reserve Fleet, President of the Royal Naval College, Greenwich and Commander-in-Chief of the Home Fleet. After succeeding a cousin and becoming Earl of Cork in 1934, he became Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1873
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Date of Death
April 19th, 1967
Died Aged
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