List of Famous people with last name Nicholson

Jack Nicholson

John Joseph Nicholson
First Name Jack
Last Name Nicholson
Born on April 22, 1937 (age 87)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

John Joseph Nicholson is an American actor and filmmaker whose career has spanned more than 60 years. He is known for having played a wide range of starring or supporting roles, including comedy, romance, and darkly comic portrayals of anti-heroes and villainous characters. In many of his films, he played the "eternal outsider, the sardonic drifter", someone who rebels against the social structure.

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Julianne Nicholson

First Name Julianne
Born on July 1, 1971 (age 53)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Julianne Nicholson is an American actress. She is best known for her main and supporting roles in multiple indie or drama films and TV series. In 2004, she won the US Comedy Arts Festival Award for Best Actress.

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John Nicholson

First Name John
Last Name Nicholson
Born on December 11, 1821
Died on September 23, 1857 (aged 35)
Born in Ireland

Brigadier John Nicholson was a British Victorian era military officer known for his role in British India. Born in Ireland, Nicholson moved to India at a young age and obtained a commission in the East India Company where he spent the majority of his life helping to expand British rule on the Company Raj's periphery in numerous conflicts such as the First Anglo-Afghan War and the First and Second Anglo-Sikh War. Nicholson created a legend for himself as a political officer under Henry Lawrence in the frontier provinces of the British Empire, especially in the Punjab, and he was instrumental in the settlement of the North-West Frontier. Perhaps Nicholson's most defining moment was his crucial role and death while suppressing the Indian Mutiny of 1857 which gained him adoration in Britain and infamy in India for his ruthlessness in crushing the rebellion.

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Bill Nicholson

First Name Bill
Last Name Nicholson
Born on January 26, 1919
Died on October 23, 2004 (aged 85)

William Edward Nicholson was an English football player, coach, manager and scout who had a 36-year association with Tottenham Hotspur. He is considered one of the most important figures in the club's history, winning eight major trophies in his 16-year managerial spell, and most notably guiding the team to their Double-winning season of 1960–61.

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Emma Nicholson

First Name Emma
Born on October 16, 1941 (age 82)

Emma Harriet Nicholson, Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne is a British politician, who has been a life peer since 1997. She was elected as the Conservative Member of Parliament for Torridge and West Devon in 1987, before switching to the Liberal Democrats in 1995. She was also Lib Dem Member of the European Parliament for South East England from 1999 to 2009. In 2016, she announced she was re-joining the Conservative Party "with tremendous pleasure". In 2017, Baroness Nicholson was appointed as Prime Minister's Trade Envoy for Kazakhstan.

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Michael Nicholson

First Name Michael
Last Name Nicholson
Born on January 9, 1937
Died on December 11, 2016 (aged 79)

Michael Nicholson OBE was an English journalist, specializing in war reporting, and a newscaster. He was ITN's Senior Foreign Correspondent.

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Lorraine Nicholson

First Name Lorraine
Last Name Nicholson
Born on April 16, 1990 (age 34)

Lorraine Broussard Nicholson is an American actress and director. She is known for playing Alana Blanchard in the biographical film Soul Surfer (2011).

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Ben Nicholson

First Name Ben
Last Name Nicholson
Born on April 10, 1894
Died on February 6, 1982 (aged 87)

Benjamin Lauder Nicholson, OM was an English painter of abstract compositions, landscape and still-life.

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Francisco Nicholson

First Name Francisco
Last Name Nicholson
Born on June 26, 1938
Died on April 11, 2016 (aged 77)
Born in Portugal, Lisboa

Francisco Nicholson was a Portuguese actor, director, playwright, songwriter and screenwriter. He was a co-founder of the Teatro Ádóque theatre cooperative. He wrote, directed, and acted in revues and was a writer of television soap operas, among many other accomplishments.

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John Nicholson

First Name John
Last Name Nicholson
Born on October 6, 1941
Died on September 20, 2017 (aged 75)

John Nicholson was a racing driver from Auckland, New Zealand. He participated in two Formula One World Championship Grands Prix, debuting on 20 July 1974. He scored no championship points.

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