List of Famous people with last name Neill

Sam Neill

Nigel John Dermot Neill
First Name Sam
Last Name Neill
Born on September 14, 1947 (age 77)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Nigel John Dermot "Sam" Neill, is a New Zealand actor, writer, producer, director, and vineyard proprietor.

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Noel Neill

Noel Darleen Neill
First Name Noel
Last Name Neill
Born on November 25, 1920
Died on July 3, 2016 (aged 95)

Noel Darleen Neill was an American actress. She is known for playing Lois Lane in the film serials Superman (1948) and Atom Man vs. Superman (1950), as well as the 1950s television series Adventures of Superman. She appeared in 80 films and television series in her career.

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Eógan mac Néill

First Name Eógan
Died on January 1, 0465

Eógan mac Néill was a son of Niall Noígiallach and the eponymous ancestor of the Cenél nEógain branch of the Northern Uí Néill. The Cenél Eoghan would found the over-kingdom of Ailech and later Tír Eoghain, which would span the greater part of Ulster. His burial place is said to be in the Inishowen Peninsula in County Donegal, Ireland which was named after him.

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Éinrí Ó Néill

First Name Éinrí
Died on November 30, 1488
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Muirchertach mac Néill

First Name Muirchertach
Died on January 1, 0943

Muirchertach mac Néill, called Muirchertach of the Leather Cloaks, was a King of Ailech.

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Coirpre mac Néill

First Name Coirpre
Born on November 30, 0449
Died on November 30, 0499 (aged 50)

Coirpre mac Néill, also Cairbre or Cairpre, was said to be a son of Niall of the Nine Hostages. Coirpre was perhaps the leader of the conquests that established the southern Uí Néill in the midlands of Ireland. The record of the Irish annals suggests that Coirpre's successes were reattributed to Muirchertach Macc Ercae. Coirpre is portrayed as an enemy of Saint Patrick in Bishop Tirechán's hagiography and his descendants are said to have been cursed by Patrick so that none would be High King of Ireland. Coirpre is excluded from most lists of High Kings, but included in the earliest.

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Lóegaire mac Néill

First Name Lóegaire
Died on November 30, 0462

Lóegaire (died c. 462), also Lóeguire, is said to have been a son of Niall of the Nine Hostages. The Irish annals and king lists include him as a King of Tara or High King of Ireland. He appears as an adversary of Saint Patrick in several hagiographies. His dealings with the saint were believed to account for his descendants' lack of importance in later times. There are several accounts of his death, all of which contain supernatural elements, some of which concern his wars against Leinster.

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Eoghan Ó Néill

First Name Eoghan
Died on November 30, 1455
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Niall Óg Ó Néill

First Name Niall
Died on November 30, 1402
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Fogartach mac Néill

First Name Fogartach
Born on January 1, 0601
Died on November 30, 0723 (aged 122)
Born in Ireland

Fogartach Mac'Artain, sometimes called Fogartach ua Cernaich, was an Irish king who is reckoned a High King of Ireland. He belonged to the Uí Chernaig sept of the Síl nÁedo Sláine branch of the southern Uí Néill. He was King of Brega and was the son of Niall mac Cernaig Sotal and great-grandson of the high king Diarmait mac Áedo Sláine.

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