List of Famous people with last name Muntzer

Thomas Müntzer

First Name Thomas
Last Name Müntzer
Born on January 1, 1489
Died on May 27, 1525 (aged 36)

Thomas Müntzer was a German preacher and theologian of the early Reformation whose opposition to both Martin Luther and the Roman Catholic Church led to his open defiance of late-feudal authority in central Germany. Müntzer was foremost amongst those reformers who took issue with Luther's compromises with feudal authority. He became a leader of the German peasant and plebeian uprising of 1525 commonly known as the German Peasants' War. He was captured after the Battle of Frankenhausen, tortured and executed.

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Anton Ignaz Müntzer

First Name Anton
Last Name Müntzer
Born on September 10, 1659
Died on January 11, 1714 (aged 54)
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Ottilie Müntzer

First Name Ottilie
Born on November 30, 1499 (age 525)
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