List of Famous people with last name Montrose

William Graham, 2nd Earl of Montrose

First Name William
Last Name Montrose
Died on May 24, 1571
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William Graham, 1st Earl of Montrose

First Name William
Last Name Montrose
Died on September 9, 1513
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John Graham, 4th Earl of Montrose

First Name John
Last Name Montrose
Born on January 1, 1573
Died on January 1, 1626 (aged 53)

John Graham, 4th Earl of Montrose (1573–1626) was a Scottish nobleman, Earl of Montrose from 1608 to the 1620s. He was for a time Lord President of the Privy Council of Scotland.

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James Graham, 2nd Marquess of Montrose

First Name James
Last Name Montrose
Died on January 1, 1669

James Graham, 2nd Marquess of Montrose was a Scottish nobleman and judge, surnamed the "Good" Marquess.

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James Graham, 3rd Duke of Montrose

First Name James
Last Name Montrose
Born on September 8, 1755
Died on December 30, 1836 (aged 81)

James Graham, 3rd Duke of Montrose, KG, KT, PC, styled Marquess of Graham until 1790, was a Scottish nobleman and statesman.

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James Graham, 4th Duke of Montrose

First Name James
Last Name Montrose
Born on July 16, 1799
Died on December 30, 1874 (aged 75)

James Graham, 4th Duke of Montrose, KT, PC, styled Marquess of Graham until 1836, of Buchanan Castle in Stirlingshire and 45 Belgrave Square in London, was a British Conservative politician.

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James Graham, 1st Duke of Montrose

First Name James
Last Name Montrose
Born on March 31, 1682
Died on January 7, 1742 (aged 59)

James Graham, 1st Duke and 4th Marquess of Montrose was a Scottish aristocratic statesman in the early eighteenth century.

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Douglas Graham, 5th Duke of Montrose

First Name Douglas
Last Name Montrose
Born on November 7, 1852
Died on December 10, 1925 (aged 73)

Douglas Beresford Malise Ronald Graham, 5th Duke of Montrose KT was a Scottish nobleman.

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James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose

First Name James
Last Name Montrose
Born on October 25, 1612
Died on May 21, 1650 (aged 37)

James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose was a Scottish nobleman, poet and soldier, lord lieutenant and later viceroy and captain general of Scotland. Montrose initially joined the Covenanters in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms, but subsequently supported King Charles I as the English Civil War developed. From 1644 to 1646, and again in 1650, he fought in the civil war in Scotland on behalf of the King. He is referred to as the Great Montrose.

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John Graham, 3rd Earl of Montrose

First Name John
Last Name Montrose
Born on January 1, 1548
Died on November 30, 1607 (aged 59)

John Graham, 3rd Earl of Montrose was a Scottish peer and Chancellor of the University of St Andrews from 1599 to 1604. He was Lord High Commissioner to the Parliament of Scotland, from 1605 to 1606.

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