List of Famous people with last name Mestre

Nito Mestre

First Name Nito
Last Name Mestre
Born on August 3, 1952 (age 72)
Born in Argentina

Carlos Alberto Mestre mostly known by his stage name Nito Mestre, is an Argentine musician, founding member –along with Charly García– of Sui Generis, member of PorSuiGieco, bandleader of Nito Mestre y los Desconocidos de Siempre and a recording solo artist. Sui Generis, was initially formed in 1969 by Charly García, Nito Mestre, Rolando Fortich, Juan Belia (guitar), Alberto Rodriguez (drums) and Carlos Piegari (vocals). Later on, Sui Generis became a duo as everyone left except for García. After the band split in 1975, Nito Mestre formed a new band called "Nito Mestre y los Desconocidos de Siempre" with María Rosa Yorio on vocals, Rodolfo Gorosito on guitar, Alfredo Toth on bass, Ciro Fogliatta on keyboards and Juan Carlos "Mono" Fontana as a drummer. In the early 80s, Nito pursued a solo career.

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Daniel Mestre

Daniel José Pereira Mestre
First Name Daniel
Last Name Mestre
Born on April 1, 1986 (age 38)
Born in Switzerland

Daniel José Pereira Mestre is a Portuguese cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Continental team W52–FC Porto.

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Ricardo Mestre

First Name Ricardo
Last Name Mestre
Born on September 11, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Portugal, Faro

Ricardo Jorge Mestre Correia is a Portuguese professional road bicycle racer, who currently rides for UCI Continental team W52–FC Porto.

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