List of Famous people with last name Messi

Lionel Messi

Lionel Andrés Messi
First Name Lionel
Last Name Messi
Born on June 24, 1987 (age 37)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Lionel Andrés Messi is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward and captains both the Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentina national team. Often considered as the best player in the world and widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, Messi has won a record six Ballon d'Or awards and a record six European Golden Shoes. He has spent his entire professional career with Barcelona, where he has won a club-record 33 trophies, including ten La Liga titles, four UEFA Champions League titles and six Copas del Rey. A prolific goalscorer and creative playmaker, Messi holds the records for most goals in La Liga (455), a La Liga and European league season (50), most hat-tricks in La Liga (36) and the UEFA Champions League (8), and most assists in La Liga (185), a La Liga and European league season (21) and the Copa América (12). He has scored over 700 senior career goals for club and country.

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Bruno Valdez Messi

First Name Bruno
Last Name Messi
Born on October 6, 1992 (age 31)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Bruno Amílcar Valdez Rojas is a Paraguayan professional footballer who plays for Liga MX club América and the Paraguay national team.

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Stéphane Messi

First Name Stéphane
Last Name Messi
Born on November 27, 1972 (age 51)

Stéphane Messi is a French para table tennis player who competes in international level events. He is a Paralympic champion, a five-time World medalist and a European champion. He has won medals in team events alongside Michel Schaller, François Sérignat and Alain Pichon.

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João Maria Messi

First Name João
Last Name Messi
Born on October 5, 1934 (age 89)
Born in Italy, Marche
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