List of Famous people with last name Mercia

Pybba of Mercia

First Name Pybba

Pybba (570?–606/615) was an early King of Mercia. He was the son of Creoda and father of Penda and Eowa. Unusually, the names Pybba and Penda are likely of British Celtic, rather than Germanic, origin.

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Ecgfrith of Mercia

First Name Ecgfrith
Born on January 1, 0800
Died on December 17, 0796

Ecgfrith was king of Mercia from 29 July to December 796. He was the son of Offa, one of the most powerful kings of Mercia, and Cynethryth. In 787, Ecgfrith was consecrated king, the first known consecration of an English king, probably arranged by Offa in imitation of the consecration of Charlemagne's sons by the pope in 781. Around 789, Offa seems to have intended that Ecgfrith marry the Frankish king Charlemagne's daughter Bertha, but Charlemagne was outraged by the request and the proposal never went forward.

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Burgred of Mercia

First Name Burgred
Born on January 1, 0900
Died on January 1, 0888

Burgred was an Anglo-Saxon king of Mercia from 852 to 874.

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Beorhtwulf of Mercia

First Name Beorhtwulf
Born on January 1, 0900
Died on January 1, 0852

Beorhtwulf was King of Mercia, a kingdom of Anglo-Saxon England, from 839 or 840 to 852. His ancestry is unknown, though he may have been connected to Beornwulf, who ruled Mercia in the 820s. Almost no coins were issued by Beorhtwulf's predecessor, Wiglaf, but a Mercian coinage was restarted by Beorhtwulf early in his reign, initially with strong similarities to the coins of Æthelwulf of Wessex, and later with independent designs. The Vikings attacked within a year or two of Beorhtwulf's accession: the province of Lindsey was raided in 841, and London, a key centre of Mercian commerce, was attacked the following year. Another Viking assault on London in 851 "put Beorhtwulf to flight", according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle; the Vikings were subsequently defeated by Æthelwulf. This raid may have had a significant economic impact on Mercia, as London coinage is much reduced after 851.

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Edwin, Earl of Mercia

First Name Edwin,
Last Name Mercia
Died on January 1, 1071

Edwin was the elder brother of Morcar, Earl of Northumbria, son of Ælfgār, Earl of Mercia and grandson of Leofric, Earl of Mercia. He succeeded to his father's title and responsibilities on Ælfgār's death in 1062. He appears as Earl Edwin in the Domesday Book.

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Eowa of Mercia

First Name Eowa
Born on November 30, 0649
Died on August 5, 0642

Eowa was a son of the Mercian king Pybba and a brother of the Mercian king Penda; he was possibly King of Northern Mercia, as the 8th-century Historia Brittonum reports that he was co-ruler with his brother Penda.

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Ceolwulf I of Mercia

First Name Ceolwulf
Born on January 1, 0800
Died on January 1, 0823 (aged 23)

Ceolwulf I was King of Mercia, East Anglia and Kent, from 821 to 823. He was the brother of Coenwulf, his predecessor, and was deposed by Beornwulf.

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Leofric, Earl of Mercia

First Name Leofric,
Born on January 1, 0968
Died on November 30, 1056 (aged 88)

Leofric was an Earl of Mercia. He founded monasteries at Coventry and Much Wenlock. Leofric is most remembered as the husband of Lady Godiva.

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Creoda of Mercia

First Name Creoda
Born on January 1, 0540
Died on November 30, 0592 (aged 52)

Creoda may have been one of the first kings of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia, ruling toward the end of the 6th century.

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Coenred of Mercia

First Name Coenred
Born on November 30, 0699
Died on January 1, 0716 (aged 16)

Coenred was king of Mercia from 704 to 709. Mercia was an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in the English Midlands. He was a son of the Mercian king Wulfhere, whose brother Æthelred succeeded to the throne in 675 on Wulfhere's death. In 704, Æthelred abdicated in favour of Coenred to become a monk.

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