Ecgfrith of Mercia

Ecgfrith of Mercia
Ecgfrith of Mercia

Ecgfrith was king of Mercia from 29 July to December 796. He was the son of Offa, one of the most powerful kings of Mercia, and Cynethryth. In 787, Ecgfrith was consecrated king, the first known consecration of an English king, probably arranged by Offa in imitation of the consecration of Charlemagne's sons by the pope in 781. Around 789, Offa seems to have intended that Ecgfrith marry the Frankish king Charlemagne's daughter Bertha, but Charlemagne was outraged by the request and the proposal never went forward.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, 0800
Date of Death
December 17th, 0796
Died Aged
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