List of Famous people with last name Massaro

Daniele Massaro

Daniele Emilio Massaro
First Name Daniele
Last Name Massaro
Born on May 23, 1961 (age 63)
Born in Italy, Lombardy
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Daniele Emilio Massaro is an Italian former footballer who played as a forward. He is mainly remembered for his highly successful career with A.C. Milan during the late 1980s and 1990s, under managers Arrigo Sacchi and Fabio Capello, with whom he went on to achieve notable domestic, European, and international success. Massaro was also a member of the Italian national team that won the 1982 FIFA World Cup, although he did not make an appearance in the tournament, and he was a member of the team that reached the final of the 1994 FIFA World Cup, scoring a goal during the tournament; in the final, he missed one of Italy's penalties in the resulting shoot-out, as Brazil went on to lift the trophy.

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Johnny Massaro

Johnny Jorge Massaro
First Name Johnny
Born on January 20, 1992 (age 33)
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