List of Famous people with last name Lusignan

Guy of Lusignan

First Name Guy
Last Name Lusignan
Died on July 18, 1194

Guy de Lusignan was a French Poitevin knight, son of Sir Hugh VIII of Lusignan and as such born of the House of Lusignan. He was king of the Kingdom of Jerusalem from 1186 to 1192 by right of marriage to Sibylla of Jerusalem, and King of Cyprus from 1192 to 1194. Having arrived in the Holy Land at an unknown date, Guy was hastily married to Sibylla in 1180 to prevent a political incident within the kingdom. As the health of his brother-in-law, Baldwin IV, deteriorated, Guy was appointed by Sibylla as regent for his stepson, Baldwin V. Baldwin IV died in 1185, followed shortly by Baldwin V in 1186, leading to the succession of Sibylla and Guy to the throne. Guy's reign was marked by increased hostilities with the Ayyubids ruled by Saladin, culminating in the Battle of Hattin in July 1187—during which Guy was captured—and the fall of Jerusalem itself three months later.

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Hugh X of Lusignan

First Name Hugh
Born on January 1, 1185
Died on November 30, 1248 (aged 63)

Hugh X de Lusignan, Hugh V of La Marche or Hugh I of Angoulême succeeded his father Hugh IX as Seigneur de Lusignan and Count of La Marche in November 1219 and was Count of Angoulême by marriage.

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Hugh XI of Lusignan

First Name Hugh
Born on January 1, 1221
Died on April 6, 1250 (aged 29)

Hugh XI de Lusignan, Hugh VI of La Marche or Hugh II of Angoulême. He succeeded his mother Isabelle of Angoulême, former queen of England, as Count of Angoulême in 1246. He likewise succeeded his father Hugh X as Count of La Marche in 1249. Hugh XI de Lusignan was the half-brother of King Henry III of England.

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Melisende of Lusignan

First Name Melisende
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on November 30, 1299 (aged 99)

Melisende de Lusignan, Princess of Antioch, was the youngest daughter of Queen Isabella I of Jerusalem by her fourth and last marriage to King Amalric II of Jerusalem. She had a sister Sibylla of Lusignan, a younger brother, Amalric who died as a young child. By her mother's previous marriages, Melisande had three half-sisters, Maria of Montferrat, who succeeded their mother as queen of Jerusalem on 5 April 1205; Alice of Champagne, and Philippa of Champagne.

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Sibylla of Lusignan

First Name Sibylla
Born on January 1, 1198
Died on January 1, 1230 (aged 32)

Sibylla of Lusignan was a queen consort of Armenia. She was the daughter of King Aimery of Cyprus and Queen Isabella I of Jerusalem. She was a member of the House of Lusignan.

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Geoffrey I of Lusignan

First Name Geoffrey
Last Name Lusignan
Born on November 30, 1149
Died on November 30, 1215 (aged 66)
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Guy of Lusignan

First Name Guy
Last Name Lusignan
Born on November 30, 1274
Died on November 30, 1302 (aged 28)

Guy of Poitiers-Lusignan was constable of Cyprus from 1298. He was the youngest son of Hugh III of Cyprus (1267-1284) and Isabella of Ibelin.

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Hugh XII of Lusignan

First Name Hugh
Born on January 1, 1238
Died on January 1, 1270 (aged 32)

Hugh XII de Lusignan, Hugh VII of La Marche or Hugh III of Angoulême. He was the son of Hugh XI of Lusignan and Yolande of Brittany. He succeeded his father as seigneur of Lusignan, Couhé, and Peyrat, Count of La Marche and Count of Angoulême in 1250.

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Raoul I of Lusignan

First Name Raoul
Last Name Lusignan
Born on November 30, 1168
Died on May 1, 1219 (aged 50)

Raoul I of Lusignan was the second son of Hugh de Lusignan and the grandson of Hugh VIII of Lusignan. He was a prominent nobleman in the region of Poitou, and lord (seigneur) d′Exoudun, de Melle, de Chizé, de Civray and de La Mothe. He also became Count of Eu, by marriage to Alix d'Eu. Since the region of Poitou was contested between kings of France and England, local nobility was often changing sides. Up to 1201, Raoul was loyal to kings of England, but than changed his allegiance to king of France. He later rejoined the English side, and took part in the Battle of Bouvines (1214). For his services to the king England, he was granted possession of Hastings and Tickhill, in 1216. Earlier, he participated, as a young knight, in the Third Crusade, and later again in the Fifth Crusade, and died upon return. He was buried at the Priory of Fontblanche, in Exoudun.

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Guy de Lusignan

First Name Guy
Last Name Lusignan
Born on November 30, 1221
Died on November 30, 1287 (aged 66)
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