Raoul I of Lusignan

Raoul I of Lusignan
Raoul I of Lusignan

Raoul I of Lusignan was the second son of Hugh de Lusignan and the grandson of Hugh VIII of Lusignan. He was a prominent nobleman in the region of Poitou, and lord (seigneur) d′Exoudun, de Melle, de Chizé, de Civray and de La Mothe. He also became Count of Eu, by marriage to Alix d'Eu. Since the region of Poitou was contested between kings of France and England, local nobility was often changing sides. Up to 1201, Raoul was loyal to kings of England, but than changed his allegiance to king of France. He later rejoined the English side, and took part in the Battle of Bouvines (1214). For his services to the king England, he was granted possession of Hastings and Tickhill, in 1216. Earlier, he participated, as a young knight, in the Third Crusade, and later again in the Fifth Crusade, and died upon return. He was buried at the Priory of Fontblanche, in Exoudun.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1168
Date of Death
May 1st, 1219
Died Aged
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