List of Famous people with last name Letterman

David Letterman

First Name David
Last Name Letterman
Born on April 12, 1947 (age 77)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

David Michael Letterman is an American television host, comedian, writer, and producer. He hosted late night television talk shows for 33 years, beginning with the February 1, 1982, debut of Late Night with David Letterman on NBC, and ending with the May 20, 2015, broadcast of Late Show with David Letterman on CBS. In total, Letterman hosted 6,080 episodes of Late Night and Late Show, surpassing his friend and mentor Johnny Carson as the longest-serving late night talk show host in American television history. In 1996, Letterman was ranked 45th on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time. In 2002, The Late Show with David Letterman was ranked seventh on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time.

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Rob Letterman

First Name Rob
Last Name Letterman
Born on October 31, 1970 (age 53)

Robert Thomas Letterman is an American film director and screenwriter.

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