List of Famous people with last name Lafitte

Laurent Lafitte

First Name Laurent
Last Name Lafitte
Born on August 22, 1973 (age 50)

Laurent Lafitte is a French actor. He is known for playing the role of Patrick in Elle. In March 2016 he was named as the host of the opening and closing ceremonies at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival.

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Jean Lafitte

First Name Jean
Last Name Lafitte
Born on November 30, 1775
Died on January 1, 1826 (aged 50)

Jean Lafitte was a French pirate and privateer who operated in the Gulf of Mexico in the early 19th century. He and his older brother Pierre spelled their last name Laffite, but English language documents of the time used "Lafitte". This has become the common spelling in the United States, including places named after him.

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Yasmine Lafitte

Hafida El Khabchi
First Name Yasmine
Born on October 1, 1973 (age 50)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Yasmine Lafitte is a French former pornographic actress who performed under the mononym Yasmine.

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Xavier Lafitte

First Name Xavier
Last Name Lafitte
Born on August 8, 1974 (age 49)
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Tommy Lafitte

First Name Tommy
Last Name Lafitte
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