List of Famous people with last name Lacina

Sarah Lacina

First Name Sarah
Last Name Lacina

Sarah Lacina is an American police officer best known for competing on the American reality show Survivor. She came in 11th place and was the first jury member in the show's 28th season, Survivor: Cagayan, in 2014. Lacina was voted the winner of the show's 34th season, Survivor: Game Changers in 2017. She competed for a third time in Survivor: Winners at War, the show's 40th season, in 2020 where she finished in 4th place and was the final jury member.

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Petr Lacina

First Name Petr
Born on December 12, 1943 (age 80)
Born in Czech Republic
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Ferdinand Lacina

First Name Ferdinand
Last Name Lacina
Born on December 31, 1942 (age 81)
Born in Austria

Ferdinand Lacina is an Austrian politician. He served as finance minister from 1986 to 1995.

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