List of Famous people with last name Kom

Mary Kom

First Name Mary
Last Name Kom
Born on March 1, 1982 (age 42)
Born in India
Height 158 cm | 5'2

Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom is an Indian amateur boxer, politician, and incumbent Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha. She is the only female to become World Amateur Boxing champion for a record six times, the only female boxer to have won a medal in each one of the first seven World Championships, and the only boxer to win eight World Championship medals. Nicknamed Magnificent Mary, she is the only Indian female boxer to have qualified for the 2012 Summer Olympics, competing in the flyweight (51 kg) category and winning a bronze medal. She had also been ranked as the world's No. 1 female light-flyweight by the International Boxing Association (amateur) (AIBA). She became the first Indian female boxer to win a gold medal in the Asian Games in 2014 at Incheon, South Korea and is the first Indian female boxer to win gold at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. She is also the only boxer to become Asian Amateur Boxing Champion for a record six times.

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Anton de Kom

First Name Anton
Last Name Kom
Born on February 22, 1898
Died on April 24, 1945 (aged 47)

Cornelis Gerhard Anton de Kom was a Surinamese resistance fighter and anti-colonialist author. He was arrested in Suriname and the protest against his arrest resulted in two deaths. De Kom was subsequently exiled to the Netherlands where he wrote Wij slaven van Suriname, a classic anti-colonial book. During World War II, he joined the resistance, was arrested, and sent to concentration camps where he died.

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Franck Kom

First Name Franck
Last Name Kom
Born on September 18, 1991 (age 32)
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Franck Kom, is a Cameroonian footballer who plays for Al-Rayyan as a midfielder.

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