List of Famous people with last name Kincardine

Sir William Graham of Kincardine

First Name Sir
Died on November 30, 1423
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Martha Bruce, Countess of Elgin and Kincardine

First Name Martha
Born on January 1, 1739
Died on June 21, 1810 (aged 71)

Martha Bruce, Countess of Elgin and Kincardine, born Martha White and known for most of her life as Lady Elgin, was the wife of Charles Bruce, 5th Earl of Elgin and 9th Earl of Kincardine, mother of the collector Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin, and governess to Princess Charlotte of Wales, daughter of the future King George IV, at the time second in line to the throne.

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Alexander Bruce, 2nd Earl of Kincardine

First Name Alexander
Last Name Kincardine
Died on July 9, 1680
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Alexander Bruce, 4th Earl of Kincardine

First Name Alexander
Last Name Kincardine
Died on October 10, 1706
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Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Kincardine

First Name Thomas
Last Name Kincardine
Born on March 19, 1663
Died on March 23, 1739 (aged 76)
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Alexander Colville of Kincardine

First Name Alexander
Last Name Kincardine
Died on August 9, 1717
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Alexander Bruce, 6th Earl of Kincardine

First Name Alexander
Last Name Kincardine
Born on January 19, 1662
Died on January 1, 1721 (aged 58)
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Robert Bruce, 5th Earl of Kincardine

First Name Robert
Last Name Kincardine
Born on November 30, 1649
Died on January 1, 1718 (aged 68)
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Edward Bruce, 1st Earl of Kincardine

First Name Edward
Last Name Kincardine
Born on January 1, 1629
Died on January 1, 1662 (aged 33)
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Alexander Bruce, 3rd Earl of Kincardine

First Name Alexander
Last Name Kincardine
Born on June 5, 1666
Died on November 10, 1705 (aged 39)
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Don't know him/her
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