List of Famous people with last name Keppel

Judith Keppel

First Name Judith
Born on August 18, 1942 (age 81)

Judith Cynthia Aline Keppel is a British quiz show contestant who was the first person to win one million pounds on the British television game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. She has appeared on the BBC Two quiz show Eggheads since 2003.

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Lady Caroline Keppel

First Name Lady
Last Name Keppel
Born on January 1, 1814
Died on May 26, 1898 (aged 84)
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Thomas Keppel

First Name Thomas
Last Name Keppel
Born on January 17, 1811
Died on April 20, 1863 (aged 52)
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Augusta Keppel

First Name Augusta
Last Name Keppel
Born on January 1, 1834
Died on February 17, 1917 (aged 83)
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Lady Georgiana Charlotte Keppel

First Name Lady
Last Name Keppel
Born on July 15, 1806
Died on March 30, 1854 (aged 47)
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Melita Keppel

First Name Melita
Born on April 27, 1892
Died on January 1, 1987 (aged 94)
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Henry Keppel

First Name Henry
Last Name Keppel
Born on June 14, 1809
Died on January 17, 1904 (aged 94)

Admiral of the Fleet The Honourable Sir Henry Keppel was a Royal Navy officer. His first command was largely spent off the coast of Spain, which was then in the midst of the First Carlist War. As commanding officer of the corvette HMS Dido on the East Indies and China Station he was deployed in operations during the First Opium War and in operations against Borneo pirates. He later served as commander of the naval brigade besieging Sebastopol during the Crimean War. After becoming second-in-command of the East Indies and China Station, he commanded the British squadron in the action with Chinese pirates at the Battle of Fatshan Creek when he sank around 100 enemy war-junks. He subsequently took part in the capture of Canton during the Second Opium War.

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Susan Trotter, Countess of Albemarle

Susan Coutts Trotter
First Name Susan
Born on January 1, 1806
Died on August 3, 1885 (aged 79)
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Augustus Keppel, 1st Viscount Keppel

First Name Augustus
Last Name Keppel
Born on April 25, 1725
Died on October 2, 1786 (aged 61)

Admiral Augustus Keppel, 1st Viscount Keppel, PC was a Royal Navy officer and politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1755 to 1782. He saw action in command of various ships, including the fourth-rate Maidstone, during the War of the Austrian Succession. He went on to serve as Commodore on the North American Station and then Commander-in-Chief, Jamaica Station during the Seven Years' War. After that he served as Senior Naval Lord and then Commander-in-Chief of the Channel Fleet.

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Leicester Keppel

First Name Leicester
Last Name Keppel
Born on August 27, 1837
Died on September 22, 1917 (aged 80)
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