List of Famous people with last name Julich-berg

Maria of Jülich-Berg

First Name Maria
Last Name Jülich-Berg
Born on August 3, 1491
Died on August 29, 1543 (aged 52)

Maria of Jülich-Berg was a German heiress. She was born in Jülich, the daughter of Wilhelm IV, Duke of Jülich-Berg and Sibylle of Brandenburg.

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Beatrix of Julich-Berg

First Name Beatrix
Born on January 1, 1360
Died on May 16, 1395 (aged 35)

Beatrix (Beatrice) of Berg was the daughter of Duke William II of Berg and Electress of the Palatinate by marriage to Rupert I, Elector Palatine.

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Adolf, Duke of Jülich-Berg

First Name Adolf,
Last Name Jülich-Berg
Born on November 30, 1369
Died on July 14, 1437 (aged 67)

Adolf, Duke of Jülich-Berg, was the first Duke of the combined duchies of Jülich and Berg. He was the son of William VII of Jülich, 1st Duke of Berg and Anna of the Palatinate.

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Gerhard VII, Duke of Jülich-Berg

First Name Gerhard
Last Name Jülich-Berg
Born on November 30, 1416
Died on August 19, 1475 (aged 58)

Gerhard VII, Duke of Jülich-Berg was the son of William VIII of Jülich, Count of Ravensberg and Adelheid of Tecklenburg. Gerhard was the second duke of the combined Duchy of Jülich-Berg but the 7th Gerhard in the House of Jülich.

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William IV, Duke of Jülich-Berg

First Name William
Last Name Jülich-Berg
Born on January 9, 1455
Died on September 6, 1511 (aged 56)

William IV of Jülich-Berg was the last ruler of the Duchy of Jülich-Berg.

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