List of Famous people with last name Ieiri

Leo Ieiri

First Name Leo
Last Name Ieiri
Born on December 13, 1994 (age 30)

Leo Ieiri is a Japanese singer and songwriter. Her song "Sabrina" was used as the third ending song of the anime television series Toriko and her song "Silly" was used as the theme song for the television adaption of popular novel "Nのために".

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Kazuma Ieiri

First Name Kazuma
Born on December 28, 1978 (age 45)
Born in Japan

Kazuma Ieiri is a Japanese internet entrepreneur, founder and director until 2011 of the "paperboy" company, and founder of the "studygift" fundraising site. He stood for election as governor of Tokyo in 2014, running an online campaign and obtaining 1.8% of the vote.

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