List of Famous people with last name Hyun-joo

Lee Hyun-joo

First Name Lee
Last Name Hyun-joo
Born on February 5, 1998 (age 26)
Born in South Korea

Lee Hyun-joo is a South Korean actress, singer and model. She is a former member of girl group April. Following her departure from the group, she participated in the KBS2's survival show The Unit and finishing in fifth place, which made her debut as a member of project girl group Uni.T in 2017. She is known for her lead roles in Love Distance 2, The Witch Store and Love, Can You Deliver Today.

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Gong Hyun-joo

First Name Gong
Last Name Hyun-joo
Born on January 7, 1984 (age 40)
Born in South Korea

Gong Hyun-joo is a South Korean actress.

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