List of Famous people with last name Hopetoun

John Hope, 2nd Earl of Hopetoun

First Name John
Last Name Hopetoun
Born on September 7, 1704
Died on February 12, 1781 (aged 76)

John Hope, 2nd Earl of Hopetoun was the son of Charles Hope, 1st Earl of Hopetoun and Lady Henrietta Johnstone.

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John Hope, 4th Earl of Hopetoun

First Name John
Last Name Hopetoun
Born on August 17, 1765
Died on August 27, 1823 (aged 58)

General John Hope, 4th Earl of Hopetoun GCB PC (Ire) FRSE, known as The Honourable John Hope from 1781 to 1814 and as Lord Niddry from 1814 to 1816, was a Scottish politician and British Army officer.

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Charles Hope, 1st Earl of Hopetoun

First Name Charles
Last Name Hopetoun
Born on November 30, 1680
Died on February 26, 1742 (aged 61)

Charles Hope, 1st Earl of Hopetoun KT was a Scottish nobleman.

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James Hope-Johnstone, 3rd Earl of Hopetoun

First Name James
Last Name Hopetoun
Born on August 23, 1741
Died on May 29, 1816 (aged 74)

James Hope-Johnstone, 3rd Earl of Hopetoun FRSE, known as Viscount Aithrie from 1742 to 1781, was a Scottish Representative Peer and military leader.

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Andrew Hope, Earl of Hopetoun

Andrew Victor Arthur Charles Hope, Viscount Aithrie
First Name Andrew
Last Name Hopetoun
Born on May 22, 1969 (age 55)
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John Hope, 6th Earl of Hopetoun

First Name John
Last Name Hopetoun
Born on March 22, 1831
Died on April 1, 1873 (aged 42)
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James Hope of Hopetoun

First Name James
Last Name Hopetoun
Born on January 1, 1614
Died on January 1, 1661 (aged 47)

Sir James Hope of Hopetoun (1614–1661) was a Scottish lawyer, industrialist and politician.

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John Hope of Hopetoun

First Name John
Last Name Hopetoun
Born on June 16, 1650
Died on May 5, 1682 (aged 31)
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John Hope, 5th Earl of Hopetoun

First Name John
Last Name Hopetoun
Born on November 15, 1803
Died on April 8, 1843 (aged 39)
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