List of Famous people with last name Hood

Rodney Hood

First Name Rodney
Last Name Hood
Born on October 20, 1992 (age 32)
Height 203 cm | 6'8

Rodney Michael Hood is an American professional basketball player for the Portland Trail Blazers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He played college basketball for Mississippi State and Duke Universities before declaring for the NBA Draft. Hood was drafted in 2014 by the Utah Jazz; and in 2018, he was dealt to the Cleveland Cavaliers. He was then traded to Portland in 2019.

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John Bell Hood

First Name John
Last Name Hood
Born on June 29, 1831
Died on August 30, 1879 (aged 48)

John Bell Hood was a Confederate general during the American Civil War. Hood had a reputation for bravery and aggressiveness that sometimes bordered on recklessness. Arguably one of the best brigade and division commanders in the CSA, Hood gradually became increasingly ineffective as he was promoted to lead larger, independent commands late in the war; his career and reputation were marred by his decisive defeats leading an army in the Atlanta Campaign and the Franklin–Nashville Campaign.

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Harry Hood

First Name Harry
Last Name Hood
Born on October 3, 1944
Died on May 26, 2019 (aged 74)

Henry Anthony Hood was a Scottish football player and manager.

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Jim Hood

First Name Jim
Last Name Hood
Born on May 15, 1962 (age 62)

James Matthew Hood is an American lawyer who served as the 39th Attorney General of Mississippi from 2004 to 2020.

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Sinclair Hood

First Name Sinclair
Last Name Hood
Born on January 31, 1917
Died on January 18, 2021 (aged 103)

Martin Sinclair Frankland Hood, generally known as Sinclair Hood, was a British archaeologist and academic. He was Director of the British School of Archaeology at Athens from 1954 to 1962, and led the excavations at Knossos from 1957 to 1961. He turned 100 in January 2017 and died in January 2021, two weeks short of his 104th birthday.

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Darla Hood

First Name Darla
Born on November 8, 1931
Died on June 13, 1979 (aged 47)

Darla Jean Hood was an American child actress, best known as the leading lady in the Our Gang series from 1935 to 1941. She was born in Leedey, Oklahoma, the only child of music teacher Elizabeth Davner, and James Claude Hood, who worked in a bank.

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John Hood

First Name John
Last Name Hood
Born on September 18, 1851
Died on May 7, 1925 (aged 73)
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Albert Hood

First Name Albert
Last Name Hood
Born on August 26, 1841
Died on December 21, 1921 (aged 80)
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Margaret Winifred Dulcie Hood

First Name Margaret
Last Name Hood
Born on March 1, 1916
Died on January 1, 2008 (aged 91)
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Harold Horace Hood

First Name Harold
Last Name Hood
Born on November 18, 1883
Died on January 5, 1944 (aged 60)
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