List of Famous people with last name Holliday

Judy Holliday

First Name Judy
Born on June 21, 1921
Died on June 7, 1965 (aged 43)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Judy Holliday was an American actress, comedienne and singer.

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Jennifer Holliday

First Name Jennifer
Born on October 19, 1960 (age 64)

Jennifer Yvette Holliday is an American singer and actress. She started her career on Broadway in musicals such as Dreamgirls (1981–83), Your Arms Too Short to Box with God (1980–81) and later became a successful recording artist. She is best known for her debut single, the Dreamgirls number and rhythm-and-blues/pop hit, "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going", for which she won a Grammy in 1983. She also won a 1982 Tony Award for Dreamgirls.

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Matt Holliday

Matthew Thomas Holliday is an American former professional left fielder. He is the outfielding and hitting coach at Oklahoma State University. He has played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Colorado Rockies, Oakland Athletics, St. Louis Cardinals, and New York Yankees. A World Series champion in 2011 with the Cardinals, Holliday, through prodigious hitting contributions, has played a key role in seven postseasons, including the Rockies' first-ever World Series appearance in 2007 and Cardinals' playoff success in the 2010s. His distinctions include a National League (NL) batting championship, the 2007 NL Championship Series Most Valuable Player Award, seven All-Star selections, and four Silver Slugger Awards. Other career accomplishments include 300 home runs, more than 2,000 hits, 100 stolen bases, and batting over .300 eight times.

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Polly Holliday

First Name Polly
Last Name Holliday
Born on July 2, 1937 (age 87)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Polly Dean Holliday is a retired American actress who has appeared on stage, television and in film. She is best known for her portrayal of sassy waitress Florence Jean "Flo" Castleberry on the 1970s sitcom Alice, which she reprised in its short-lived spin-off, Flo. Her character's catchphrase of "Kiss my grits!" remains perhaps the most memorable line associated with the series Alice.

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Tess Holliday

Ryann Maegen Hoven
First Name Tess
Born on July 5, 1985 (age 39)

Ryann Maegen Hoven, known professionally as Tess Holliday and formerly known as Tess Munster, is an American plus-size model, blogger, and make-up artist based in Los Angeles.

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Charles O. Holliday

First Name Charles
Last Name Holliday
Born on March 9, 1948 (age 76)

Charles Otis "Chad" Holliday, Jr. is an American businessman, former chairman of Bank of America, former chief executive officer and a former director of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont). He is chairman emeritus of the U.S. Council on Competitiveness and chairman of the Business Roundtable's Task Force for Environment, Technology and Economy. Holliday is also a founding member of the International Business Council and serves on the board of advisors of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions.

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Rob Holliday

First Name Rob
Last Name Holliday
Born on June 8, 1979 (age 45)

Rob Holliday is a professional English musician. He was the live guitarist of rock band Marilyn Manson as well as for Gary Numan, The Prodigy, and Sulpher. He joined in 2007 as Marilyn Manson's live bassist, but switched to guitars in January 2008 due to the return of former bass player Twiggy Ramirez.

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