List of Famous people with last name Hiromichi

Kumazawa Hiromichi

First Name Kumazawa
Last Name Hiromichi
Born on December 18, 1889
Died on June 11, 1966 (aged 76)

Kumazawa Hiromichi , also known as the "Kumazawa emperor," was a Japanese businessman and Buddhist priest from Nagoya who publicly disputed the legitimacy of Emperor Hirohito's bloodline in the period shortly after the end of the Second World War. He claimed to be the 19th direct descendant of Emperor Go-Kameyama.

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Takatsukasa Hiromichi

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Hiromichi
Born on April 2, 1855
Died on May 17, 1918 (aged 63)

Takatsukasa Hiromichi , son of Kujō Hisatada and adopted son of Takatsukasa Sukehiro, was a kazoku Duke of the Meiji period who served in Imperial Japanese Army. Nobusuke and Nobuhiro were his sons.

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